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How to get visitors to your site from Tumblr 7 secret !

How to get visitors to your site from Tumblr

Social networks take a long time, but if you see a return on your investment there, you're probably looking for more good social networking sites to expand. Although there is no shortage of social networking sites, some of them are just a waste of time and effort, so it's best to skip them and move on to sites that work.

It is not difficult to find good social media sites. For example, Tumblr may not be as large as Facebook or Twitter, but it's a popular blogging and social networking site, so you might as well want to explore it. Most tips for getting traffic from social networking sites generally also apply to Tumblr, but as you'll see, there are some specific tips associated with them.

1 Publish all kinds of media you can

Tumblr offers multiple types of media for you to publish. These types include: text, image, quote, link, audio and video, and the best you can do is use them all. Of course, if your content is not suitable for a particular type of publication, don't force yourself to publish this particular medium, that is, if your products are not visible, the video and even the images may be exaggerated. You can post things directly related to your work and its status, but you can also post more fun things that will appeal to the general public.

2 memes

One of the specific things about Tumblr is that memes are especially popular in all types of media. It's not too hard to create memes, so if you don't find the great mijris ready, choose the time to create a few memes yourself, then post them and see if they get the answer you'd expect. If they do, invest more time and effort (or even consider hiring someone else) to create more memes.

3 Add many related tags

Tags on Tumblr are very important because this is the main channel through which users will find. That's why it makes sense to add as many tags as possible (but relevant). Search for the shapes and synonyms of your targeted keywords and include them all. However, it goes without saying that it should not become an unwanted sign.

Create an excellent profile

As in all social networks, your profile is your business card. Therefore, you can't afford to own a messy profile. You should create an excellent profile for other users like you, and this increases the chances of getting more followers.

5 Be active and regular

If you still don't know that social networks take time each day, you'll learn them now. The key to getting active and sincere tracking on Tumblr and keeping it is to be active and loyal. It's best to post a daily link than post 10 links at a time after you've been gone for 10 days because in the first case, your followers will usually have to check everyday things, whereas in the second case you'll never know when to post and can lose multiple posts.

6 Interact with other users

Another trick to become popular on Tumblr is to interact with other users. Follow them, comment on your posts, post your things. All this helps to become a Tumblr star whose publications are read by many users.

7 Reblog, Reblog, Reblog

When you find a good post from someone else, feel free to post it. That way, you feed your audience with new things, while 
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